Specialising in English and Continental paintings from the eighteenth, nineteenth and early to mid twentieth centuries, the gallery is renowned for its particular interest in large scale works and flower paintings. We also offer a variety of still lifes, portraiture and landscapes from the same period.
Over the years the gallery has acquired and sold some beautiful paintings of animals including sporting paintings of horses and portraits of dogs.
We also exhibit works by contemporary painters Jonathan Pike, Isabelle de Ganay and Alain Bonnefoit.
The gallery is a member of the British Antique Dealers Association and exhibits at the association’s annual art and antiques fair every March, in Chelsea, London. We also exhibit at the Olympia International Art and Antiques Fair.
We are always looking to purchase paintings by the following artists:
Jules Cavailles, Camille Hilaire, Jean Benner, Gustave Bienvetu, Gustave Emile Couder, Charles Herrman-Leon, Adrian Karbowsky, Gaston Sebire, Henri Lerolle, Irma Stern, Philippe Rousseau, Achilles Theodore Cesbron, Ambrose McAvoy, Adolphe-Louis Castex-Degrange, Alexis Kreyder and Jean Viollier.
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/JulianSimonFineArt
Pictify: http://pictify.com/user/juliansimonfineart
BADA website: http://www.bada.org/dealers/d/julian-simon-fine-art-ltd/320
LAPADA website: http://www.lapadalondon.com/exhibitor/julian-simon-fine-art-ltd/320
Online Galleries: http://www.onlinegalleries.com/dealers/g/julian-simon-fine-art-ltd/320